Hunter photobank
Sir WIlliam Dobell – guest of honour – inspects classrooms for 150th anniversary

Sir WIlliam Dobell – guest of honour – inspects classrooms for 150th anniversary

Sir William Dobell speaks at 150th Anniversary assembly

Sir William Dobell speaks at 150th Anniversary assembly

Staff – 1978

Staff – 1978

Staff – 1979

Staff – 1979

Staff – 1980

Staff – 1980

Staff – 1982

Staff – 1982

Staff – 1983

Staff – 1983

Staff – 1991

Staff – 1991

Staff setting up for bicentenary dinner

Staff setting up for bicentenary dinner

Star struck students – 1999

Star struck students – 1999

Student memoirs – Byron Koster

Student memoirs – Byron Koster

Student memoirs – Gary Hopkins

Student memoirs – Gary Hopkins

Student memoirs – Gwenda Mackie

Student memoirs – Gwenda Mackie

Student memoirs – Joanne Wormald

Student memoirs – Joanne Wormald

Student memoirs – Richard Suters

Student memoirs – Richard Suters

Student memoirs – Rosie Noake

Student memoirs – Rosie Noake

Student memoirs – Ruth Jones

Student memoirs – Ruth Jones

Student memoirs – Sophia Suters

Student memoirs – Sophia Suters

Student register1923

Student register1923

Students and staff – 1984

Students and staff – 1984

TAFE has first option on school

TAFE has first option on school

Tawny frogmouth sculpture

Tawny frogmouth sculpture

Tawny frogmouth sculpture2

Tawny frogmouth sculpture2

Third Class Teacher Miss Fitnes – 1931

Third Class Teacher Miss Fitnes – 1931

Three generations of Agnew family ex-students

Three generations of Agnew family ex-students

To Climb The Hill for sale

To Climb The Hill for sale

Tree planting – 1986

Tree planting – 1986

Water-colour painting of NEPS by Charles Martin

Water-colour painting of NEPS by Charles Martin

World War 1 honour board

World War 1 honour board